What I Learned from Martha Stewart About Celebrating Christmas in Style

Photo by Gage Skidmore

Just a few more days until Christmas. But if you haven’t gotten the house ready yet or the dinner planned?

Well, who knows more about planning for a holiday celebration than Martha Stewart.?

Well, all right. Lots of people probably know more but she’s perhaps the most famous entertainment planner.

Perhaps the most fun interview I ever had with her was in the fall of 1993, not long before Christmas that year when we talked about her book Martha Stewart’s Christmas. And we also talked about her business empire. Her TV show had just premiered a few weeks earlier.

So here now, from 1993. Martha Stewart.

Martha Stewart is 82 now. She lives in New York.

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Martha Stewart

Photo by Gage Skidmore

Well many of us went to barbecues, reunions, or other big holiday events for the 4th of July.

And if you hosted such an event, you probably realized how much planning and effort goes into it.
Maybe you could have used a little professional adviceā€¦

There may literally be no one in America who is better known for her expertise in entertaining than Martha Stewart.

For more than 40 years, Stuart has been dispensing advice on cooking and decorating and entertaining guests. Best-selling books, a magazine, and a television show have helped push her to the forefront.

I’ve interviewed her several times, including this conversation we had in 1994 when she published a book called Martha Stewart’s Menus For Entertaining.

So here now, from 1994, Martha Stewart.

Martha Stewart will be 82 next month . She lives in New York.

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