Andrew Breitbart: From High School Humorist to Digital Media Pioneer

Photo by Mark Taylor

When the history of digital media is written, one name will figure prominently: Los Angeles-born and raised would-be comedian Andrew Breitbart.

He got his start in journalism in the mid 1980s, with a comedic article in his high school newspaper.

A few years later, Breitbart was instrumental in developing the Drudge Report and the Huffington Post, and ultimately Breitbart News.

ttps:// your copy of Andrew Breitbart’s book

Along the way, he was frequently criticized, even vilified, by mainstream media for his contrarian, often combative,opinions.

In 2011 Breitbart wrote a book called Righteous Indignation – and that’s when I had a few minutes with him.

So here now, from 2011, Andrew Breitbart.

Andrew Breitfbart died in 2012 at age 43 from heart failure.

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