Former NFL Team Doctor Robert Huizenga — Bruises, Concussions, and Steroids

The National Football League is no place for guys who don’t want to get hurt No NFL veteran comes away unscathed

And that means there is always plenty of work for team physicians. From 1983 to 1990, Dr. Robert Huizenga was team internist for the Los Angeles Raiders.

Huizenga saw everything from bruises and pulled muscle to dislocated fingers, concussions and compound fractures.

And a lot of steroid abuse.

A few years after leaving the Raiders, Huizenga wrote about his experience in the NFL in a book he called You’re Okay, It’s Only a Bruise. I talked with him when he was on a book tour.

So here now, from 1994, Dr. Robert Huizenga.

Today Dr. Robert Huizenga continues to be active in professional sports, and is often seen on television.

Get your copy of Robert Huizenga’s book

Near-Death Experience: Raymond Moody’s Groundbreaking Research

Photo by Ehabich

Have you ever had a near death experience? A real, honest-to-goodness experience of your life ending as you left your body, floated up to the ceiling, and perhaps walked into the bright light?

Millions of people say they have had a near death experience, a term actually coined by Dr. Raymond Moody in 1975.

Get your copy of Raymond Moody’s book

But the questions abound. What exactly happens during a near death experience? Some people have one and others don’t? And why do some people choose to come back?

In 1988 doctor Moody wrote a book called The Light Beyond – that’s when I first met him. So here now, from 1988, Dr. Raymond Moody.

Dr. Raymond Moody says he had a near-death experience of his own in 1991 as a result of a failed suicide attempt.

He ruend 80 in June.

Unplugging the Grid: Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Battle Against Nuclear Power

Do you know where your electricity comes from? Currently about 20% of America’s electricity is generated through nuclear power.

But activists like Dr. Helen Caldicott say that percentage should be zero.

For decades, the Australian-born doctor, who founded Physicians for Social Responsibility, has been lobbying hard against nuclear power. And nuclear weapons, as well.

And she has been a strong advocate for environmental issues generally, and for women’s rights.

When I interviewed her in 2006, it was for her book Nuclear Power is Not The Answer.

So here now, from 2006, Dr Helen Caldicott.

Dr. Helen Caldicott is 85 now. The Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC named her one of the most influential women of the 20th century.0

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Why ‘South Beach Diet’ Dr. A/rthur Agatston Is Concerned

If you’re trying to watch your weight, I don’t have to tell you that diet books come and go. Fad diets are a dime a dozen.

But about 20 years ago a new diet book appeared and has had incredible staying power. It was called the South Beach Diet, the creation of acclaimed cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston.

With its emphasis on limiting fat and carbs, and on adding more dietary fiber, the South Beach Diet has demonstrated its popularity.

Yet by 2011, Dr. Agatston was still worried about how well the American people were doing. That’s when he wrote a book called The South Beach Wake-Up Call, and that’s when I spoke with him.

So here now, from 2011. Dr. Arthur Agatston.

Dr. Arthur Agatston Is medical director of wellness and prevention at Baptist Health South Florida. He practices at South Beach Preventive Cardiology.

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Oliver Sacks

Photo: Maria Popova

A young British boys fascination with science, and with metals and chemistry in particular, led to him becoming one of the world’s foremost neurologists.

And the author of best-selling books about science.

His name was Oliver Sacks. He’s the author of books such as The Man Who mistook His Wife For a Hat, and The Island of The Color Blind. But he is perhaps best known for his 1973 book Awakenings, which became a major movie in 1990 starring Robert de Niro and Robin Williams.

In 2001, his book Uncle Tungsten told of how, as a youngster, he first became interested in science.

So here now, from 2001, Oliver Sacks.

Oliver Sacks died in 2015. He was 82.

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