CEO Wisdom: Former Burger King Boss Barry Gibbons

Work isn’t easy.Of course it never has been, but these days it seems harder than ever.

Unreasonable bosses. Rude customers. A minimum wage that hasn’t been raised in 15 years.

And it’s often fast food workers that seem to get the worst of it.

Get your copy of Barry Gibbons’s book

But here’s a conversation I had some 25 years ago with a former CEO of Burger King – see if you agree with what Barry Gibbons told me about being a good business leader.

The book he wrote that we talked about was called If You Want to Make God Really Laugh, Show Him Your Business Plan.

So here now, from 1999. Barry Gibbons.

Since leaving Burger King Barry Gibbons has been a popular and in-demand speaker on business success.

John Sweeney

Happy Labor Day!This is the national holiday set aside to recognize the efforts and contributions of America’s Workforce.

So I want to revisit my interview almost a quarter-century ago with the man who was America’s top labor leader for 14 years.

John Sweeney was president of the AFL-CIO. I met him in 1996, about a year after he assumed the presidency of the Union.

I met him about a year after he became the president of the AFL-CIO.

So here now, from 1996, John Sweeney.

John Sweeney remained at the top of the AFL-CIO until 2009.

He’s 86 now, and he and his wife live just outside Washington, DC.