After a U.S. Army soldier named Casey Sheehan was killed in action in Iraq in 2004 his mother, Cindy Sheehan became one of the loudest anti-war voices in America .
What made her different from others, though, was that Cindy Sheehan was not content to simply join protest rallies or write letters. She set up a makeshift camp outside President George w. Bush’s, Texas ranch.
Her protest drew international attention, but made her many enemies as well as allies.
In 2006, Cindy Sheehan wrote a memoir called Peace Mom. I met her during one of her visits to Washington DC.
So here now from 2006. Cindy Sheehan.
Cindy Sheehan is 64 now. She
hosts a weekly radio show and has a blog called “Cindy’s Soapbox.”