Since its founding in 2010, a conservative organization known as Project Veritas has stirred controversy, raised many ethical concerns, and has been sued, sometimes successfully, by its targets.
Those targets have included Planned Parenthood, ACORN, CNN, and the Washington Post.
Its founder was then-26-year-old James O’Keefe. His secretly recorded and heavily edited videos were embraced by many conservatives eager to expose what they saw as liberal or leftist misdeeds.
I got a few minutes with him in 2013 while he was promoting his book called Breakthrough: Our Guerilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy.
But just so we are clear, you should not infer from the nature of my questions in this interview that I endorsed Project Veritas or its methods.
So here now, from 2013, James O’Keefe.
James O’Keefe will be 39 next week. He sttepped down as chairman of Project Veritas last February admi controversy over finances and management style.
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