Perhaps no one personified the folk music trend of the 1960s like Peter, Paul and Mary.
With a repertoire that included not only their own songs but covers of songs by Pete Seeger and Bob Dylan, Peter Paul and Mary became superstars.
One of their most enduring hits was the wildly popular, to this day, Puff the Magic Dragon.
But it wasn’t until 2007 that the story of Puff the Magic Dragon was turned into an illustrated children’s book. That was the effort of Peter Yarrow, the co-writer of the song. And the book turned into a huge, huge commercial success.
That year is when I first met Peter yarrow, and we talked about his book about puff. A couple of years later we had another interview when he came out with another similar book based on their song. Day is Done.
And that interview, the one you’re about to hear, happened just a few weeks after the untimely deaf of Mary Travers.
So here now, from 2009, Peter Yarrow.
Peter Yarrow turned 84 in M ay. He lives in New York.
Mary Travers died in september 2009 at age 72
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