Candace Gingrich

It’s not always easy to babysit money of a very famous politician.

Photo: dbking

But, perhaps, especially if you’re a lesbian and your brother is one of the nation’s leading right-wing conservatives.

In 1994 a republican wave took over Congress, and Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House.

And suddenly, his half-sister Candace — who pronounces the family name “Ging-rick” — found themselves, as they later described it, as an “accidental activist.”

I met them in 1996, just as the issue of same-sex marriage was being debated in Congress and the courts. You’ll hear about that in this interview.

You may also hear some terminology which sounds a little dated. The term “LGBTQ” wasnot yet in wide usage, and as a result, is not heard here.

So here now, from 1996, Candace Gingrich:

Candace Gingrich celebrated their 55th birthday last week, and is married to Kelly Cassidy, a member of the Illinois state legislature.

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