Bobby Knight’s Story of Success and Controversy

The march toward March Madness begins today. The NCAA men’s basketball season is getting underway.

For many seasons, one of the nations most dominant basketball programs could be found at Indiana University, the team coached by the legendary Bobby knight.

Eleven times his teams won the big 10 championship. Three of his teams won the national championship, and one captured the NIT.

After he was fired by Indiana in 2000, Knight took over as head coach at Texas Tech in 2001, taking his team to the postseason in each of his first Four years there.

But night was also a volatile personality. And a 1986 bestselling book by writer John Feinstein helped cement Knight’s reputation as something of a hot head.

I met Bobby Knight in the spring of 2002, as his first year at Texas Tech was drawing to a close. We talked about his autobiography, a book called Knight: My Story.

So here now from 2002, Bobby Knight.

Bobby Knight died last week. He was 83.

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Author Stephenie Meyer’s ‘Twilight’ Insights

Photo by Gage Skidmore

(Originally posted here in 2020)

When I was a kid, all my friends and I were into The Twilight Zone, the Rod Serling TV series.

But in the later 2000s, another “twilight” captured the world’s imagination: the “Twilight” series of novels by Stephenie Meyer.

Four, in all, chronicling the stories of teenager Bella, vampire Edward. and werewolf Jacob.

The third book in the series, “Eclipse,” was published in 2007. And that’s when I met the author — who, as you’ll hear, was still getting accustomed to the fact she had become more popular, book-sales-wise, than J.K. Rowling.

Here now, from 2007, Stephenie Meyer.

Stephenie Meyer’s “Twilight” books have been turned into popular movies. And her books continue to sell tens of millions of copies worldwide.

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Why ‘South Beach Diet’ Dr. A/rthur Agatston Is Concerned

If you’re trying to watch your weight, I don’t have to tell you that diet books come and go. Fad diets are a dime a dozen.

But about 20 years ago a new diet book appeared and has had incredible staying power. It was called the South Beach Diet, the creation of acclaimed cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston.

With its emphasis on limiting fat and carbs, and on adding more dietary fiber, the South Beach Diet has demonstrated its popularity.

Yet by 2011, Dr. Agatston was still worried about how well the American people were doing. That’s when he wrote a book called The South Beach Wake-Up Call, and that’s when I spoke with him.

So here now, from 2011. Dr. Arthur Agatston.

Dr. Arthur Agatston Is medical director of wellness and prevention at Baptist Health South Florida. He practices at South Beach Preventive Cardiology.

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